Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Healthy Relationships & Social Media

A great turn out of students continues at Carrier Mills - Stonefort High School! Our goal today was to introduce our new Friend of MHINDS blog and to get students use to navigating through it to find what they need. CMSHS is always lively with social media -- even from their first meeting -- and we love their use of the Twitter platform.
Down to the real business of mental health information, we continued our theme of healthy relationships, encouraging them to take a look at the online resources available and discussing why it may be important to have this information at their fingertips.
Our FoM SM STAR award this month went to Kyli Grathlier! Follow her on Twitter @kyliJayeHoran and on Instagram @kayjaye_08

Kristin Melton, FoM Team
Project Connect Social Marketing Coordinator

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